Food Basket Provision

The Feeding Project aims to provide comprehensive food baskets to needy and underprivileged families in Uganda, Yemen, and the Philippines during the blessed month of Ramadan. This initiative ensures that they receive sufficient food, alleviates their hardships, and fosters values of solidarity and compassion within the community. By doing so, the project contributes to food security and improves the quality of life for the most vulnerable groups.


Donations Count

23,307 KD


44,193 KD

Project Value

67,500 KD

Project Objectives:

Provide food to needy families during Ramadan to ensure their basic needs are met.
Promote solidarity and compassion by engaging the community in supporting underprivileged families.
Reach the maximum number of beneficiaries in target countries, prioritizing the most vulnerable families.
Ensure sustainable impact by providing food baskets that last for a sufficient period during the holy month.


أهداف المشروع :

توفير الغذاء للأسر المحتاجة خلال شهر رمضان، لضمان سد احتياجاتهم الأساسية.
تعزيز روح التكافل والتراحم من خلال إشراك المجتمع في دعم الأسر المتعففة والمحتاجة.
الوصول إلى أكبر عدد من المستفيدين في الدول المستهدفة، لضمان استفادة الأسر الأشد حاجة.
تحقيق أثر مستدام عبر توفير سلال غذائية تكفي الأسر لفترة مناسبة خلال الشهر الفضيل. 

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